Enjoy Serving Healthy Soup in Beautiful Soup Bowls

by Customer Service

Enjoy Serving Healthy Soup in Beautiful Soup Bowls

Whether it’s a dinner party or luncheon, starting with a soup course is the ideal way of beginning the party. Be it a tomato soup, chicken soup, or any other soup, serving this healthy meal in a beautiful soup bowl makes it look more delicious. Do you have the right soup bowls for serving soups to your guests? If no, here is the top collection of the soup bowls for you.

Lenox Moonspun

Lenox introduced the Moonspun pattern in the year 1968, and it remained active till 1995. This Lenox Moonspun soup bowl looks beautiful with white flowers, Platinum rim, base, and handles.

Your prepared soup will look more tempting when served in this double handled soup bowl.  Along with the soup bowl, you can even select the complete dinnerware in the Moonspun pattern for your party. Your guests will love eating in this luxurious set.

Lenox Repertoire

Introduced in 1972, Repertoire is another pattern by Lenox that you can consider for your party. The pattern with platinum trim, blue, grey, and green floral design remained active till 1986.

This soup bowl in the Repertoire pattern is perfect to be included in your party for serving soup to your guests.  The platinum trim gives it a luxurious look, and the floral band gives it an elegant designing.

Lenox Riverdale

Riverdale pattern by Lenox came in 1991 and remained active till 1996. Where floral print and pink and grey border adds designing in the pattern, golden trim gives it a glossy touch.

Adding this eye-catching soup bowl in your party will uplift the occasion and make it memorable for you and your guests.

These soups bowls are sure to impress your guests.

Visit our website, Classic Replacements, for more options. The possibilities are endless!


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