Wedgwood India

 All About Wedgwood India

Brand: Wedgwood   Pattern: India

Manufacturer Status:  Active  In Production:  1996-current

Description: Gold trim, white background, black & tan border with flower motifs inside 

Dishwashing Method: Handwash     Secondary Market Value:  Fair Theme: Sedate 


The India pattern has been in production since 1996 by the Wedgwood China company, based in the UK. The India pattern is, in our opinion, is a classic looking Wedgwood design of the 90's and has many of the standard designs Wedgwood puts in to their patterns, starting from the gleaming white background to the beautiful motifs in the elegant black & tan border. The thin gold trim on the edge altogether makes this a very beautiful & elegant china pattern. 

Our favorite Wedgwood India pieces are the salad plate as well as the creamer.


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