Wedgwood Asia-Green
All About Wedgwood Asia Green
Brand: Wedgwood Pattern: Asia Pattern #: R4310
Manufacturer Status: Discontinued In Production: 1962-1976
Description: Gold trim, green & white background, gold verge, greek scroll design
Dishwashing Method: Handwash Secondary Market Value: Fair Best Uses: Formal dinners,oriental dishes
This Asia pattern was manufactured for 14 years by the Wedgwood China company, based in England. The name of the discontinued Wedgwood Asia pattern is quite a contradiction to how the actual pattern looks, with a name like Asia for a china pattern one would expect more of an oriental looking design perhaps more like the Wedgwood Florentine Gold& other Florentine patterns, however the design on the Wedgwood Asia pattern has more of a greek look to it with its large greek key design set on a mint green background. Perhaps it is called Wedgwood Asia becuase that is around the time Wedgwood started to send their manufacturing overseas to places like Asia, regardless of why it has a name as such & we are sure there is a good reason as can be seen from other Wedgwood patterns where the design & pattern name obviously correspond, such as the Wedgwood Chinese Flowers pattern the Asia pattern is a beautiful & elegant pattern sure to impress whoever sees it. Another Wedgwood pattern with a similar looking greek key design is the Wedgwood Palatia pattern which was recently discontinued seven years ago but still proves to be very popular.
Our favorite Wedgwood Asia pieces are the dinner plate as well as the creamer