Waterford Powerscourt
All About Waterford Powerscourt China
Brand: Waterford Pattern: Powerscourt
Manufacturer Status: Discontinued In Production: 1997 - 2005
Description: Gold trim & verge, white background, blue & gold border
Dishwashing Method: Handwash Secondary Market Value: Fair
Best Uses: Formal dining
This Powerscourt pattern was manufactured for 8 years by the Waterford China company, based in Ireland/ the UK . This Waterford Powerscourt china pattern is a timless classic & matches very well with the more well known Waterford Powerscourt crystal pattern. The design on the crystal pattern matches the design on the border of the Powerscourt china pattern very well & looks beautiful when set on a table together. As far as we know most china pattern made by the Waterford company are fairly recent & a have a shorter manufacturing life then other companies patterns. There is roughly 40 - 60 Waterford china patterns & they vary widely in design like you can see if you where to compare this Powerscourt pattern to the Waterford Baron's Court pattern. Even though Waterford is a newcomer in the china world they have got the right idea when it comes to design.