Lenox Terrace Rose
All About Lenox Terrace Rose
Brand: Lenox Pattern: Terrace Rose
Manufacturer Status: Discontinued In Production: 1992-1995
Description: pink roses, florals, blue band, gold details
Dishwashing Method: N/A Secondary Market Value: Fair Best Uses: Formal, Spring
This pattern was manufactured for 4 years by the Lenox company, based in the United States. The pattern features beautiful pink roses that are held together by alternating vines around the border. There is also a blue band around the edge containing gold arrow-like shapes and making for a gorgeous color combination. Because of the colors and bright florals, this would be a great pattern to bring out for use during the springtime, when the world is once again in bloom.
Our favorite Lenox Terrace Rose pieces are the oval vegetable bowl as well as the salad plate.
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